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Location | Kraslava district, Kraslava |
AM category training - Kraslava branch
30.00 €
Learning process
Duration of studies
Age limit
A moped with an engine capacity not exceeding 50 cm3 and a road speed not exceeding 45 km / h. Be on the road to success! Come and get a driver's license at Presto Driving School - the most modern and according to CSDD statistics the best driving school in Latvia. You can apply for training and conclude a contract quickly, easily and remotely on the website Getting to the right with Presto is faster than anywhere else! |
Ad No.: 110631
Created: 8.04.2021 / 14:18
Restored at: 2.05.2024 / 8:21
Number of visits: 190 Today: 1
Updated: 2.05.2024 / 8:21